How to Make a Sankey Diagram Excel Dashboard? A Step-by-Step Guide
This tutorial on how to make a Sankey diagram Excel dashboard is suitable for all Excel versions including Office 365.
Sankey diagrams are powerful data visualization tools that help you visualize the flow of resources from the root source to the destination.
Let’s say, for example, you want to find out how a country’s natural resources are utilised. You can use a Sankey diagram to find out where these resources are coming from and connect to where they are being used.
Unfortunately, unlike Power BI, there is no built-in option in Excel that allows you to insert a Sankey diagram directly into a spreadsheet.
But, there is still a way to make a Sankey diagram Excel dashboard using nothing more than just bar charts.
In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to do this in a step-by-step manner.
I suggest you download the sample Excel sheet and use it to follow along with this guide.
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How to Make a Sankey Diagram Excel Dashboard?
Creating a Sankey diagram in Excel is very easy if you break the process into these three steps:
- Generate data for all individual Sankey lines.
- Plot each individual Sankey line seperately.
- Assemble all individual Sankey lines together into a Sankey diagram.
I’ll show you how each one of these steps work in greater detail.
Step 1: Get Your Data Ready for the Sankey Chart
- Get your data source ready in the form of a two-dimensional table like shown below:
Here, the rows represent the sources and the columns represent their destinations. Now, rename the table to ‘Data’ in the Table Design Tab.
- Set a specific named range called ‘Blank‘ and assign a suitable value. To do this go to the Formula tab and click on the Define Name option. This is going to be the width of the blank space inside the Sankey diagram.
- Now, in a separate table, list all combinations of flows in order, along with their corresponding values. You can use the following formula to retrieve the source values correctly:
Rename the table to ‘Lines’ in the Table Design tab. Every row in this table represents a Sankey line.
- Now, In the same table, for every Sankey line, you need to calculate three things: The space above the Sankey line, the width of the Sankey line and the space below the Sankey line.
This means that you have to calculate three sets of data points for each row as shown below:
Use the following formulas to calculate the thickness of each Sankey line i.e each row in the ‘Lines’ table. Entering these formulas in the first row of the table is enough and fills the entire table with the relevant data.
Series 1 (Space Above the Sankey Line)
For AStart use: =SUM(Lines[[#Headers],[Value]]:[@Value])-[@Value]
For AMid1 use: =[@Astart]
For AMid2 use: =[@AEnd]
For AEnd use: =SUM([Value])-SUMIFS([Value],[End Position],”>=”&[@[End Position]])
Series 2 (Width of the Sankey Line)
For Value Start, Value Mid 1, Value Mid 2, Value End, use: =[@Value]
Series 3 (Space Below the Sankey Line)
For BStart use: =SUM([Value])-[@Astart]-[@Vstart]
For BMid1 use: =SUM([Value])-[@AMid1]-[@VMid1]
For BMid2 use: =SUM([Value])-[@AMid2]-[@VMid2]
Fir BEnd use: =SUM([Value])-[@deb-ashbyAEnd]-[@VEnd]
- Finally, you need to set up two data tables for the Sankey pillars.
For Source pillars use =SUMIFS(Lines[Value],Lines[From],[@From]) in the value column.
For Destination pillars use =SUMIFS(Lines[Value],Lines[To],[@To]) in the value column.
Also, don’t forget to create a separate named range for Spacing, which is going to be used as the horizontal axis.
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Step 2: Plot Individual Sankey Lines
- Now, all you have to do is plot a 100% Stacked area chart (Insert tab >Recommended Charts > All Charts > Area) with 3 data series in the Y-axis vs the Spacing range in the X-axis. Series 1 should contain the range AStart, AMid1, AMid2, and AEnd of a particular row.
Similarly, Series 2 should contain the range VStart, VMid1, VMid2, and VEnd of a particular row. In the same fashion, Series 3 should contain the range BStart, BMid1, BMid2, and BEnd.
- Next, double-click on the Y-axis and plot it in reverse order.
- Now, double-click on each plot area to open the Format Data Series pane and set the transparency for the upper and lower area to 100%. Similarly, set the transparency of the middle area to 50%.
- Switch off the gridlines of the plot area, set the fill to no-fill for the plot area, and remove the chart’s borders, axes, legends etc.
- Congratulations, you have successfully created a single Sankey line. Follow steps 1-4 and create Sankey lines for all rows of data in the lines table.
Step 3: Assemble All the Individual Sankey Lines
- Now that you have all the individual Sankey lines ready, all you have to do is assemble all of them together into a single Sankey diagram Excel dashboard.
- Next, create two separate Sankey pillar charts using a 100% stacked column chart using the Sankey pillar tables as shown below and format them as shown below.
Repeat the same formatting process with the 100% Stacked Column chart created with the EPillars table.
- Set suitable Fill Colours to the Sankey pillars and drag them near the created Sankey diagram
Congratulations, you have successfully created your own Sankey Diagram Excel dashboard. This dashboard is dynamic i.e any change in the source data will immediately reflect in the Sankey diagram.
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How do Sankey diagrams work?
Sankey diagrams visually represent the flow of resources taking place in a process or phenomenon. The thicker lines signify greater volume of flow and the thinner lines represent the lower volume flow of resources. In a nutshell, it helps you intuitively see complex processes visually.
Why is it called a Sankey Diagram?
Sankey diagrams are named after the Irish engineer Matthew Sankey who used them first to visualise the energy efficiency of a steam engine.
Closing Thoughts
In this tutorial, we saw how to create a custom Sankey diagram Excel dashboard using three simple steps. I recommend you try this one out using the sample Excel sheet to get a better understanding. If you have any questions or doubts about this, please let us know in the comments section.
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Simon Sez IT has been teaching Excel for over ten years. For a low, monthly fee you can get access to 100+ IT training courses by seasoned professionals. Click here for advanced Excel courses with in-depth training modules.