Cropping Pictures in PowerPoint 2016
During this Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 training tutorial video, we will talk about cropping pictures. This method is helpful in cases where there’s some area of a picture that you don’t want to keep. Some cropping options being discussed in this video are crop to shape and remove background.
Okay welcome back. We’re working in module seven with our pictures and now in section two let’s talk a little bit about cropping your pictures.
Now sometimes there are areas of a picture you want to keep and other areas you don’t. And you want to be able to go in and actually get rid of those areas that you don’t want. So let’s talk a little bit about how that works.
Okay so we’re back in our presentation and we enhanced this picture a little bit in section one by playing with some of the options that were under the Picture Styles. But I want to reset this picture for a moment.
Now what if we didn’t want to use one of those styles? Let’s say we wanted to keep this diploma and this hand and maybe this arm here but we don’t want that blue in the background. We can actually get rid of that. Sometimes you just take a part of the picture and cut it out and then other times you mark the areas you want to cut out. So let me show you both ways.
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Now if I click on the picture and I go back to my Picture Tools contextual tab I want you to notice that right over here is your cropping option. Now if I wanted to, let’s say I want to get rid of everything except the little bit of the hand and the diploma.
So maybe cut it off about right here. I can actually turn on this crop and I can grab this cropping button right here and drag up like this. And so you can do that on any side or in the corner if you wanted to crop out part of your picture. So when I click to the side you’ll see it just looks like this. Now that area of the picture is still there. It’s just hidden. So the size of the picture has not changed. So just keep that in mind.
Now if I wanted to bring it back I can just turn the cropping tool back on and I can crop and then I can pull it back down like this and then I can see the parts that I hid. So you can always work with it that way.
Now the only thing about using that cropping tool like that is that I’m able to pull the sides in or out but I’m not able to go right in the middle and grab something and get rid of it. So just kind of know that for now.
Now you had another option under Crop here and that was to Crop to Shape. So let me show you what that would look like.
Now these are your shapes that you could draw and let’s just say that I pick one of these. Notice I have cropped my picture to fit in that shape that. So that’s an option you’ve got as well. Now I’m going to undo that.
But what if you really just want to get rid of the blue in the background here and see just the rest of the picture? Then you can actually do that but you don’t do it with the cropping tool. So here’s what you’re going to do.
If you notice all the way to the left here it says Remove Background. So when I click on the Remove Background button then what you’re going to notice is that you’ve got this little box that’s inside of this bigger box here. Now the way this is going to work is I’m going to go ahead and use the control handles to include in the box all the parts of the picture I want to keep up and down.
If there’s some parts left to right I want to keep as well then I can drag this way to keep those. So it’s kind of up to you. But whatever is inside this box here is what you’re going to keep. Now if I do something like this and now I click to the side you’re going to see I’ve taken away that blue background that was there and it just looks like the picture belongs on this slide. So it looks a lot nicer this way. But remember it’s just like cropping. Those options are just hidden. So just kind of remember that.
Now you can do a couple of other things. So when you were on the Remove Background you might have noticed there is an option to mark the areas to remove or to delete or discard all the changes. Let me discard all the changes for a second.
Now if I go back to Remove Background here’s another way I could have done this. I could have just marked the areas that I wanted to remove. So what I could do is when I click on that I can draw like a line just indicating the areas that I want to remove. And then if I click away from it it looks the same way.
Now keep in mind that some pictures are much easier to work with than others. This one was pretty easy but sometimes you might grab a picture that’s a lot harder to work with and you’ve got to spend a little more time with it. So just kind of remember that.
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Now if I go back to Remove Background here you also had the option to delete your marks. That would be these marks I just put in here. We saw discard all changes and keep changes. So I’m going to keep changes and then you’ll see it’s the same way it was a second ago.
So just keep in mind that those are some of the ways you can crop a picture.
So what I want to do now is we’ve got some formatting things we can do to change the colors and things like that. Let’s go look at section three and see what else we can do here.